
Posted by in International

Why, hello there, and Happy New Year! As the clock struck 12, and 2018 rolled around, billions of people all over the world contemplated their New Year’s Resolutions. Lose weight, read more,

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The North Pole Elves, aka Santa’s Helpers, are an industrious and creative bunch of customer service representatives, without whom the world would be devoid of magical toys and fudge stripe cookies. (Nevermind about the

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Posted by in Advice

Reflect for a moment on how often you’ve dialed up a business and heard this: “Your call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes.” Sounds all too familiar, right? That

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As a business owner, you’re going to get two types of solicitation calls on your line: 1) live-operator telemarketing calls, and 2) robocalls. Live-operator telemarketing calls are exactly what they sound like

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Posted by in Advice

As we’ve seen over the past few weeks, Mother Nature is unpredictable. One minute, she’ll give us sunshine and blue skies, and in the next, a hurricane will be barreling down your

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Posted by in SAS Products

When it comes to your company, how do you define success? Is it solely about your bottom line? How about meeting your sales goals, what your employees think of you, or how many

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Picture this – it’s approaching 9 o’clock in the evening, and your office has been closed for a few hours now. Much to your chagrin, you’re still there, chipping away at the

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A great script is more than just a few steps strung together. It’s the core of your answering service experience, creating the right set of questions that will guide the operators and

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Posted by in Scripting

When it comes to creating the ideal answering service script, it can be a little challenging to know exactly what to include. For certain businesses, basic information is perfectly fine. But what if

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If you’ve hired an answering service to manage your calls, then virtual receptionists, not your own employees, are likely the first point of contact for your customers. Since these receptionists aren’t sitting in your

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Specialty Answering Service is a leading call center company, helping fast-growing businesses close sales and deliver amazing live customer support 24 hours a day. SAS' friendly virtual receptionists and customized call handling create an outstanding virtual office experience. There are thousands of small businesses already using our services. Try SAS for free today.

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