
Posted by in Phones

You may recall from your 6th grade science class that the first telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. However, you may be surprised to learn that the first answering

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Posted by in Phones

2019 is coming to an end, which means we’re heading into a brand new decade. This change has us all feeling nostalgic, so we decided to do some research on novelty phones.

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Posted by in Medical

A telephone answering service is a service that large and small businesses use to provide 24/7 live customer support, keep better track of inbound communication, reach out to employees letting them know

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Posted by in Advice

Ready to take your business to the next level in customer care? Working with an answering service is a great way to enhance operations while providing 24/7 support for your valued customers.

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Posted by in Infographics

Do you need an answering service? If you’ve been too busy to even think about asking yourself this question, that means you need to start looking for an answering service. Whether you’re

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Posted by in Infographics

For a start up small business, it can be hard finding the right balance between being available to your customers and staying on budget. That is why business owners make the choice

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Posted by in SAS Products

 At Specialty Answering Service, we’ve been committed to the success of small businesses for over 30 years. We’ve helped thousands of businesses grow with the help of our live operator answering

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Posted by in Advice

Telephone answering services want your business.  Every answering service company wants you to think they’re the best, that they hire the best receptionists, that they have the best rates, and that they’re

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Posted by in Funny

A great customer service experience is like taking a breath of fresh air after being stuck inside all day. It’s pleasant, refreshing, and always puts you in a better mood. A bad

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So you’ve decided to use an answering service. Congratulations! Trying to find the right answering service for your business can be a challenge. You’ve cleared your first hurdle – understanding that you

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Specialty Answering Service is a leading call center company, helping fast-growing businesses close sales and deliver amazing live customer support 24 hours a day. SAS' friendly virtual receptionists and customized call handling create an outstanding virtual office experience. There are thousands of small businesses already using our services. Try SAS for free today.

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