
The Specialty Answering Service Blog

The answering service industry’s top experts offer tips for successful outsourcing, advice, how-tos, case studies, best practices, and Specialty Answering Service product news – all to help you level-up and get the most from the virtual receptionists answering your phones.

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Way back in the day, before automatic call distribution technologies evolved, calls used to be manually routed by operators working massive switchboards – so gigantor and with so many lines that many switchboard supervisors had to wear roller skates to get around faster! Sadly, the days of roller skating supervisors are long…

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When you make the decision to start using a call center, either 24/7 or just as overflow support, the goal, of course, is that your callers will never experience hold times, or at least significantly less hold times than they experience when your front desk is overwhelmed. The problem is that most…

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The first major snowfall has hit the northeast, and you know what that means. Mother Nature has made the incredible leap from summer to winter, barely skimming fall on her way. For regions of the country that are already frosty and expecting more of the same as the season rolls on, local…

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The holiday season is here, which means businesses near and far are prepping for the inevitable rise in customer communication. If you’re using an answering service to help with phone orders, or you're hiring seasonal order takers in-house, we’ve created a spreadsheet to help you evaluate each transaction.  The form includes what questions…

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Having a bullet-proof on-call scheduling system is a crucial part of many service industry businesses with 24/7 availability. For example, medical practices need to be available around the clock for urgent health issues, HVAC and plumbing companies need to be available in the event of plumbing or heating emergencies, towing companies need…

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Halloween may be over, but the spook-tivities still live on in the answering service world. While answering services are great at helping businesses handle customer communication, if services aren't properly tuned, there are times when they can do more harm than good. Since Halloween isn't over until we say it is, we…

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Posted by in Holidays

Halloween is upon us, and you know what that means – masterfully carved pumpkins, pillow cases filled with sugary loot, creepy costumes, the night of the living dead, and the day of...the horrible receptionist. What’s more terrifying than not having a live person answering your phone when you need one? Having an…

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If you use an answering service, then you're probably familiar with call forwarding and how it works. However, if you've never used one before or are new to outsourcing - surprise - you're going to need to know how to call forward. Since call forwarding is essential to using an answering service,…

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Specialty Answering Service's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are getting an update effective November 1, 2018. By using our services on or after that date, you’ll be agreeing to these revisions. You should read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in full, but we wanted to give you a summary…

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Telemarketing may seem like an annoying thing that companies do at the most inconvenient times (like when you're playing the speed round on Family Feud while cooking dinner), but it's actually a great tool for companies to utilize for several different reasons. Whether you're a small business looking for feedback on your…

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Specialty Answering Service is a leading call center company, helping fast-growing businesses close sales and deliver amazing live customer support 24 hours a day. SAS' friendly virtual receptionists and customized call handling create an outstanding virtual office experience. There are thousands of small businesses already using our services. Try SAS for free today.

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