Looking for no-nonsense advice about how to get the most out of your answering service? Then look no further. Below you’ll find posts from the Specialty Answering Service blog that offers guidance to businesses already using answering services, as well as advice for businesses researching answering service companies before you commit to any provider. We’ve also selected a few resources we think deserve attention.
6 Reasons Why Your Answering Service Should be Recording Calls: On the fence about recording your calls? Read this article to learn why you should.
The Importance of Proper CRM Documentation: Without proper CRM documentation, you risk the chance of creating more work for you and your team. Read this to learn how to get organized.
At Specialty Answering Service, we strive to create the most seamless answering service experience for our clients and agents alike. Over the years, we've gathered feedback and developed numerous features to guide our agents. You may already use standard call center scripting components (like Name, Number, and Email), but there are powerful,…
Read moreTrying to find the right answering service can feel a little like playing musical chairs or trying your hand at online dating. You're doing your level best to get in there and make something fit, and you never really feel settled. With so many answering services out there, finding one that suits…
Read moreOver the past year and a half, many people used their time at home to start a new hobby or learn a new trade. Me? I saw an opportunity to potentially turn 50+ hours of movie watching into a blog post. To that end, I spent my time getting entangled in the…
Read moreThe Paycheck Protection Program, also known as the PPP, is a business loan funded through the SBA which has been designed to help eligible small businesses and non-profit organizations keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds from this loan are to be used towards payroll, but can also be used…
Read moreThis is a defining moment in business. With COVID-19 triggering a national emergency in the United States, the majority of companies are trying to find new ways to survive. The result is inspiring - reinventing business models, accommodating work at home employees, adapting to disruptions in supply chains, and more. While businesses…
Read morePosted by Nick D. in Advice, Customer Service
At Specialty Answering Service, we're focused on the health and safety of our employees and their families. And throughout all of the disruption COVID-19 is bringing, SAS, just like every other telephone answering service in the industry, is still committed to your success. One of the main things we're learning by speaking…
Read moreThe coronavirus situation is reminding us that the world is completely interconnected. The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting our families, our businesses, and our way of life. During this time, we're reminded that every business, large or small, needs a plan to meet any disruption with confidence. Over the past week, our…
Read moreThe right answering service can make all the difference in the success of your small business. But before you commit to what you think is the best answering service for your needs, you need to look at the service from all sides. We know it's a daunting task, but we're here to…
Read moreIt's the start of 2020! And that means it's time to bring the past into focus. Wait. What? That's right, we're talking about analyzing the top questions our support team were asked during the 2019 holiday season. Why would we do this? Great question. As we prepare our customer support team for…
Read moreReady to take your business to the next level in customer care? Working with an answering service is a great way to enhance operations while providing 24/7 support for your valued customers. And with communications solutions for every industry, company size and service level, it’s never been easier to get started. As…
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