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Infographic: Do I need an answering service?

Do I Need An Answering Service?

Welcome to the first step in the process of picking the best answering service for your business: deciding if you need an answering service in the first place! It’s a great question, but the answer isn’t always easy. There is no equation to plug values into when you’re deciding if your business can benefit from having a live answering service. Small businesses use them, solo entrepreneurs use them, big businesses use them, and many other companies use them to offer 24/7 support and strengthen their customer service – should you? Or, your current setup of voicemail and being on-call and available 24 hours a day could be working well and an answering service isn’t necessary.

If you’re not sure, we’ve created an infographic to help you decide whether or not your business can benefit from an answering service, which you can view at the end of this post. Here are some questions you can ask yourself as well while you’re deciding if your business needs an answering service:

1. Are calls going to voicemail?

If your calls are currently going to voicemail, you run the risk of losing business. For example:

However, having an answering service step in and answer calls instead of a voicemail can increase your chances of securing leads. For example:

2. Do you have a customer service or a sales team?

If you have multiple departments within your company, you may need some extra help meeting goals and retaining customers. For example:

However, answering services can help out any department. For example:

3. Do you need help answering calls but can’t afford to hire someone?

Needing extra help but not having the funds to hire a receptionist is quite the catch 22. For example:

However, answering services can help out whenever needed for a portion of the cost. For example:

4. Do you need reports of who called you on the go?

If your job requires you to be on your feet all day long, or away from the office, it may be difficult for you to check your messages. For example:

However, answering services can get you your messages on the go! For example:

How else can an answering service help? If you feel like you’re swimming (or drowning) in tasks, it may be time for you to hire a virtual answering service to help take some of the work off of your plate. As you can see from the above, answering services help solve many problems a lot of businesses face.

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<pre><em>Image originally posted on <a href=””>The SAS Blog</a></em>

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