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Infographic: How Call Centers Use Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing Infographic

When you call a business and the automated attendant at the call center picks up and asks how they can be of service, did you ever wonder how the computer can understand what you are talking about? You could say anything from, “I need my account balance,” to, “I want a refund!” and magically, the system understands what you’re talking about and gets you the help you need. That’s all thanks to Natural Language Processing, or NLP for short.

To learn more about the history of Natural Language processing and how the technology has evolved and been adopted in call centers, check out the infographic below.

Natural language improves customer service by allowing customers to speak in context, rather than offering them pre-defined choices. In the call center, NLP combined with IVR systems:

  1. Improves First Call Resolution by intelligently routing callers to the agents who can provide the highest level of support with respect to their specific issue.
  2. Minimizes agent search time or script navigation through intelligent routing.
  3. Enhances customer service by offering a self-service model, as well as an easy route to access superstar agents for help.

To learn more about the history of natural language processing and its use in answering services, we invite you to read our white paper.

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<pre><em>Image originally posted on <a href=””>The SAS Blog</a></em>


Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP-Based Systems in Call Centers

A full-fledged NLP system can perform the following functions:

  1. Paraphrase and input text
  2. Translate a given text into another language
  3. Provide contextual responses based on the text contents
  4. Draw inferences from the text (still a challenge in many cases)

The Need for Speech Enabled Automation

However, noisy backgrounds, heavy accents, and unintelligible responses make transactions difficult.

Speaking the Customer’s Language

NLP improves IVR accuracy, increases automation, and improves customer satisfaction by:

Statistical Modeling

History and Evolution

Research dates back to the late 40’s.

In-depth knowledge about language structure (vocabulary, how words combine to form phrases, meaning of the words, and how words combine to give meaning to sentences). Systems must have a practical knowledge of the world around us, and our reasoning based on language.

Levels of language define NLP systems


NLP has four approaches:

Advantages of NLP Based Applications

Contact centers can provide more targeted answers to customer queries without agents having to manually search for answers. This:


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