
SASmessages.com will be disabled on 9/14/2016.

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New Product Launch

Thank you for being a Specialty Answering Service customer and giving SAS the opportunity to help you run your small business! Our focus is on creating a useful answering service product that improves the thousands of clients we have the pleasure of working with. To ensure that we can continue to develop useful applications, we need to disable some of the products you’ve been accessing.

After September 14, 2016, we’ll be disabling access to the following SAS products:

SASMessages.com: After 9/14/2016, you’ll no longer be able to access sasmessages.com to review your Specialty Answering Service messages. Going forward, you’ll be accessing your call data via https://sasdesk.com. Your username and password will work exactly the same as they do now. Please update any bookmarks on your computer to sasdesk.com.

For any customers who received a Beta invitation and have already been accessing the sasdesk.com platform with a Beta login, after the 14th, your email address will replace the sasbetaXXXXXXX username you were assigned. This means you’ll no longer need to remember those credentials. If you have any difficulty logging in to the new portal after the 14th, please try resetting your password, or you can always reach out to our support team for assistance.

Original SAS iPhone App: The original SAS iPhone app will no longer be actively updated; however, it will still be available for download via iTunes. If you haven’t already downloaded the latest version of our iPhone app, please delete the SAS App on your phone with the yellow icon and replace it with the Specialty Answering Service 1 iPhone App.

Original SAS Android App: If you have an Android phone, the latest version of this App is being developed and will be available for download from Google Play in the coming weeks. For now, you can continue to use the current app.

SAS is committed to helping our clients get the most out of our service by using cutting-edge technology, designed with you in mind. As always, we are continually working behind the scenes to build amazing tools for your business. Thank you for your patience while we implement these updates!

14 days of free service awaits!


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Specialty Answering Service is a leading call center company, helping fast-growing businesses close sales and deliver amazing live customer support 24 hours a day. SAS' friendly virtual receptionists and customized call handling create an outstanding virtual office experience. There are thousands of small businesses already using our services. Try SAS for free today.

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