
Posted by in Funny

Bored at Home

The coronavirus outbreak has created a lot of problems, and everyone is looking for a quick end to get back to normal. The one thing we can all do right now to make sure that happens is to practice social distancing. That means staying at home to keep the virus from rapidly…

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Posted by in Phones

Answering Machine

You may recall from your 6th grade science class that the first telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. However, you may be surprised to learn that the first answering machine, called the Telegraphone, was created shortly after in 1898 by a man named Valdemar Poulsen. The Telegraphone was very…

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Taz Novelty Telephone

2019 is coming to an end, which means we're heading into a brand new decade. This change has us all feeling nostalgic, so we decided to do some research on novelty phones. Unless you were born within the past 15 years or so, you're probably familiar with landline phones - the ones…

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Bad Receptionist

If you're relying on someone else to take your messages, you need the information to be correct 100% of the time. Otherwise, you could wind up wasting time playing Sherlock Holmes, or worse, you could wind up getting stuck on the phone with your Nanny instead of calling back Nancy, the woman…

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Posted by in Holidays

Available 24/7

Christmas is right around the corner and SAS is getting in the holiday spirit. We put a live receptionist spin on a holiday classic, and turned turtle doves and partridges into peace of mind and more business. What are you waiting for? Check out SAS's 12 Days of Christmas!

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Freddy Krueger On The Phone

Halloween is upon us, and you know what that means – masterfully carved pumpkins, pillow cases filled with sugary loot, creepy costumes, the night of the living dead, and the day of...the horrible receptionist. What’s more terrifying than not having a live person answering your phone when you need one? Having an…

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Posted by in Industry Hacks

Woman Talking On Red Phone

Receptionists of the world will tell you that the gold standard in telephone answer phrases is, "Thank you for calling [insert company name here], this is Jamie. How can I help you today?" Simple. Straightforward. Boring. Work is mundane enough without bringing such low expectations to the repetitive task of serving customers.…

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Chicken Is A Receptionist

Chickens are great at laying eggs and being eaten, but they can't answer a phone to save their lives. If your receptionist is poultry-fied to answer the telephone, it's time to upgrade to a live virtual receptionist service and put the chickens back in the coop.

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Posted by in Holidays

The Voder Logo

With Autumn peaking her fuzzy little head through the changing leaves, Specialty Answering Service is starting to get in the Halloween spirit. What better way to celebrate all things spooky, than by creating a website totally dedicated to The Voder! What is the Voder you ask? Good question. The Voder was the…

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Posted by in Videos

Bad Receptionist Yelling Through the Phone

Is your receptionist scaring potential customers away? Maybe it's time to upgrade to a professional live answering service. Check out this bad customer service video of a call center rep yelling at a customer over the phone!

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Specialty Answering Service is a leading call center company, helping fast-growing businesses close sales and deliver amazing live customer support 24 hours a day. SAS' friendly virtual receptionists and customized call handling create an outstanding virtual office experience. There are thousands of small businesses already using our services. Try SAS for free today.

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