Posted by Maria D. in Industry Hacks
Turn on any news channel, and you’re bound to hear at least one story where drug and alcohol addiction plays a starring, nefarious role. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, conducted by SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, in 2014, 21.5 million American adults battled…
Read morePosted by Gabby R. in Medical
How many times have you called your doctor's office and knew right away that you were speaking with their answering service? From asking an excessive amount of questions to simply not handling the call correctly, there are a few ways the interaction can fall flat. If communication is being outsourced to an…
Read morePosted by Gabby R. in Best Practices
If you run a medical practice and use a telephone answering service to handle patient communication, then it's important to make sure your answering service is up to date on all HIPAA regulations. Why? Because if they aren't, you're going to end up spending mega bucks on fines levied against your practice…
Read morePosted by Gabby R. in Industry Hacks, Medical
Picture this – it’s approaching 9 o’clock in the evening, and your office has been closed for a few hours now. Much to your chagrin, you’re still there, chipping away at the mountain of paperwork and patient records that accumulated throughout the day. This is the third night in a row that…
Read moreWhat about Bob? is a hilarious movie that showcases the antics of a cunning, obsessive-compulsive narcissist who can't manage even one day without his psychotherapist. Bob Wiley uses his guile to pull the wool over the eyes of three call center representatives and steal away with information that should have remained private.…
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