Posted by Gabby R. in Advice
At Specialty Answering Service, we strive to create the most seamless answering service experience for our clients and agents alike. Over the years, we've gathered feedback and developed numerous features to guide our agents. You may already use standard call center scripting components (like Name, Number, and Email), but there are powerful,…
Read morePosted by Gabby R. in Infographics, Scripting
A great script is more than just a few steps strung together. It's the core of your answering service experience, creating the right set of questions that will guide the operators and keep call flow as smooth as chocolate silk pie. In the infographic below, we've let you in on a little…
Read morePosted by Gabby R. in Scripting
When it comes to creating the ideal answering service script, it can be a little challenging to know exactly what to include. For certain businesses, basic information is perfectly fine. But what if you require the operators to ask multiple screening questions? Should your script include every last tidbit of information you need…
Read morePosted by Nick D. in Scripting
Your call center script. It’s the most important part of a successful call center solution. The best scripts make the transition between your office and your answering service seamless – meaning that callers won’t realize they aren’t talking to your office staff. Bad scripting on the other hand makes an operator look…
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